The Attendant Cafe in London

Attendant Cafe London

I have a confession to make. I drank coffee in a public urinal!!! Sounds gross, eh? Before you start judging me, let me clarify – there is an X-factor to consider. I mean, I drank coffee in an ex-urinal.

Once upon a time there was a Gents’ toilet in London. It enjoyed its life as such from 1890 to the 1960’s after which it just lied there dormant and unused for 50 years. Until someone had a brilliant idea of its makeover into a cafe. Thus, the Attendant Cafe was born. The cafe has retained many of the original features such as the Victorian tiles as well as the porcelain urinals itself. The seating is in fact designed around these urinals.

No doubt The Attendant cafe has a brilliant story to tell which makes it very popular. It has been featured in many magazines and guide books and tourists flock over to what is one of the most unusual cafes in Europe. There is an entire wall bearing testimony to this, filled with messages from visitors from all over the world.

But it’s not just this background story behind its popularity. They are serious about their coffee. They roast their own coffee beans which are sourced from around the world. Their flat-white was smooth and strong, perfect for me. The food is also freshly prepared in the kitchen and there is a good selection of soups, salads and sandwiches as well as muffins and brownies. I found the staff members to be very friendly and passionate about the cafe.

I must admit, I walked down the stairs to this subterranean cafe with a little trepidation, not quite knowing what to expect. And I walked out knowing I had a story to tell!

The Attendant

27A Foley Street

Attendant Cafe London

At Ground level

Attendant Cafe London

Go down the stairs

Attendant Cafe London

Cafe entrance

Attendant Cafe London


Attendant Cafe London

Yep, that’s a flush tank

Attendant Cafe London

Wall of Fame

Attendant Cafe London

My kinda flat-white!

Attendant Cafe London



  1. P
    June 29, 2016 / 10:59 pm

    Totally agree.. one of the best coffees in town..
    Fantastic article and pictures.. Keep up the good work.. ??

    • ayewanderful
      June 29, 2016 / 11:02 pm

      Thanks Pulakit 😀

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